Black Girl, Latin World in 2015, let’s go!


When Black Girl, Latin World took flight in 2011, it was purely a hobby.  I was inspired by African American, Latino World, the LatiNegr@s Project and many other bloggers and Afrolatino advocates to share my stories dealing with the subject.  Since 2013, this blog has been connecting me with beautiful readers who keep me inspired as I write about my experiences as an African American engaging in diaspora.  Every email I get from a person who wants to know about Afrolatino theatre work or comment about your experiences keeps me writing.

I’ve taken a bit of the break from this blog because I needed to graduate.  I did it! I’m now a University of Texas at Austin graduate!  Now, as I seek employment, I plan to focus on my passions…writing and Afrolatinidad.

Black Girl, Latin World will be adding some new and awesome projects that I hope you all will love.

  • Spotlight of the Month-Monthly highlights, guest posts and interviews with organizations, artists, writers and everyday people passionate about Afrolatinidad and the diaspora.
  • #MultilingualBlackPeople – A movement, discussion  and empowerment space for multilinguals in the Black Diaspora!  Monthly posts on language learning, Spanish phrases and my own Portuguese learning journey.
  • Connections Across Diasporas: African Americans and Afrolatinos-More posts on the connections between Afrolatinos and African Americans in history, music and the arts.
  • Escribela Negra– A collection of blog posts focused on empowerment through writing for the African American and Afrolatina woman!  Chock full of notes, advice and stories from and about writers of color.

I’m also working on a play centered around Afrolatinidad and I look forward to sharing that progress with you.  And you can follow my work as a Her Campus writer too.

I am stoked about this new year and looking forward to connecting with you all.

Of course, if there is anything you would like to see featured on BGLW or if you’d like to be featured yourself drop me a line at at

Okay, you’ve heard my plans for this new year.  What are your goals? Do you want to start a blog?  A movement? Learn a new language?  Gain a better spiritual relationship?  Gain a healthy lifestyle?  Share it below or tweet me with the hashtag #BLGWGoals.


8 thoughts on “Black Girl, Latin World in 2015, let’s go!

  1. The 20-Something Latina says:

    Love this sister!! Yay for getting back into the blogging world!! Let me know if you ever want to get together and brainstorm or if you would like to do a guest post for me!!

  2. Miss J says:

    Feliz ano nuevo! I am African American and currently learning the Spanish language by taking college classes..I start my Spanish 2 class next week! I am 30-something, and many people ask me why I am taking Spanish classes. The truth is I’ve always wanted to learn the language and become fluent. I enjoy reading your blog because I get to see other African Americans speaking Spanish as well as learning more about the Latin culture. I look forward to reading more of your blog post for 2015!

    • Black girl, Latin World says:

      Thank you for your lovely comment! I am so glad you are taking the leap to learn Spanish and I too get so excited to see African Americans speaking the language! Good luck in your class and your language journey.

  3. Allysa Rose says:

    Hi! Can I just say “Que Bueno! Mamiita!” What you’re doing is super awesome. I’ve only read two post so far but i must tell you, I already feel so engaged and connected. Thank you so much for creating such an environment for (black Latin) diverse thought! I’m really vibin’ off your blog because I have a degree in Journalism and Spanish. I’ve been admitted to a TESOL Certification program and I’ll be moving to Quito, Ecuador in Sept 2017! (I date a Latin guy too lol( And I’m really looking forward to reading more about your Portuguese language learning journey because I want to do the same! I’m still working on My Spanish though =D …I can’t wait to read about your tips, tricks and what not. I hope that I can guest write on this blog someday. What topics would you like To be submitted? I hope we can stay in contact. Buena Suerte Amiga! Un abrazo fuerte! Xoxo

    • Black girl, Latin World says:

      Hello! I am so excited for you! I would love to hear about your experience with Latinidad in a guest post!

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